Toilet PaperA Toilet Paper is a short article on a technical topic, published on rest rooms.
Don't Drink So Much: Reducing Frontend Code
Some developers keep using the tools they are used to, rather than the best tool for the job. Recently, I had to work on a Multi Page Application, which was rendered using a Single Page Application Framework. Here are my thoughts on how to do it better.
Hot Module Replacement: How to Use It Manually
HMR works automagically in almost all popular frontend frameworks. It is, however, possible to control HMR manually. How and why is shown in this Toilet Paper.
Labels: Forgotten JavaScript Feature
Breaking out of deeply nested conditions and loops in JavaScript? Find out how in this Toilet Paper.
Extending NGINX with JavaScript (NJS)
The much-loved NGINX has a limited feature-set. In this Toilet Paper you'll learn how to extend it with custom JavaScript code (NJS).
React Forms Without State
React forms are often created with state, but this can quickly get complicated and confusing, especially with larger forms. Find out how to create React forms without state, which can help make your code easier to reason with.
JavaScript Proxy Object
Need to provide an object without knowing which operations are applied to it and without writing them manually? No problem with JavaScript Proxy Object!
What Is Jsx / TSX?
Anyone who has ever worked with React will know the file extension JSX (TSX for TypeScript) and the HTML-related syntax. But what lies under the hood?
Using the Browser’s Full Potential
Everyone knows how to use a browser to perform certain tasks. And yet there are problems many people might work around, because they don't know the browser’s full potential.